Just Turning In Its Forecast Days - EU Appears to Comment 'No Deal' Contingent Slow Request!


 European orders act to postpone rather than an update on a slow contingency draft if there is no agreement in the Brexit agreement. During the same period, the two sides were in the final phase of talks to protect free trade from tariffs and quotas.

On January 31, which has passed, the UK has officially left the European Union (EU). However, the UK is still under EU regulations and deeds until the end of the year. The additional 11 months from January are to give the two sides room to draft and negotiate a post-Brexit agreement.

Even though it is already on the verge of a final date, the two sides hope to conclude an agreement to avoid problems on trade issues by 2021.

Several countries such as the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Spain have asked to package emergency drafts now if there is no agreement to reduce the impact even more.

However, Suruhanjaya has rejected the request so far, saying that the EU negotiators remain focused on reaching an agreement and the EU has long been willing to go without an agreement. The same thing was also said by Britain that, no matter what, they hope to reach an agreement so that trade policies and tariffs can be perpetuated.

So far, both parties have yet to reach an agreement on fisheries issues and trade regulations.
