US Introduces COVID-19 Screening Test Kit and Home-Only Decisions!


 After this, the people of the United States of America (US) do not have to bother going to the health center to undergo the COVID-19 screening test because the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has introduced a kendiri test kit that can be done at home.

The Lucira COVID-19 All-In-One Test Kit is a self-contained molecular test kit available with prescription and guaranteed to make a decision in just 30 minutes.

The molecular test kit can identify the outbreak of COVID-19 with the genetic presence of the coronavirus through a nasal swab sample.

Those who are encouraged to use this Kendiri test kit are those of the 14 years old and above. When exams above the under 13 years old group needs to be carried out by the health authority.

Lucira Health continues their website telling them the market price of the kit is less than $ 50 (RM200).

Previously, the USFDA passed the COVID-19 control test kit in late April and May. But both require that the collected samples be sent to the makmal for processing.

This is different from Lucira Health products because users can make their own decisions at home without involving the masses.

However, the investigators did not design to use the test kit for large-scale population screens.

So that last night, active cases of COVID-19 around the world swallowed a figure of nearly 15.5 million infections with 1.3 million deaths.