Here's an Easy Way to Buy IPO Shares


 An initial public offering or IPO is the launch of new shares in the stock market. IPOs are usually sold to institutional investors before being sold to retail investors for the first time.

IPO is very important for a company for the purpose of raising capital in addition to applying for a loan from a financial institution.

Today, the  team will share how to buy IPO shares. Before that, you need to have a central depository system (CDS) account.

The first way is to buy shares through the website of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) at the link Any further information, you can visit the website.

You need to provide some documents such as a copy of CDS account, copy of latest 3 months bank statement, copy of ASB or Tabung Haji book statement, form IND/SP-QP07-L05 and financial financing support letter if any.

Apart from applying through MITI, you can also buy IPO shares through Maybank2u. If you want to buy IPO shares using this method, you need to have a Maybank Savings/Current account first.

As usual, you need to log in to Maybank2u. After that, you go to the ‘Investment’ column.

If you have not 'linked' a CDS account, please do this step first. All you have to do is enter the CDS account number, fill in your details and press ‘Submit’.

After that, you will be taken to the eIPO application area. Select the stock of your choice and fill in the number of lots of shares you want to buy.

Don't forget to press the 'Agree' button and press 'Submit'.

Then, after you are satisfied with your purchase, click ‘Confirm’ to submit the eIPO application.

These two ways are the easiest methods you can follow if you are just getting used to the world of stock investing or are interested in buying IPO shares but don’t know how.
