As of July 14, Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) international reserves were reported to have increased to $111.8 billion compared to $111.4 billion recorded on June 30.
BNM in its latest statement said that the current reserve position is enough to finance 5.1 months of imports of goods and services as well as one time the amount of short-term foreign debt.
Among the main components in international reserves include foreign currency amounting to $99.2 billion, while the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) reserve position is $1.4 billion, special drawing rights (SDR) $55.7 billion, gold worth $2.4 billion and other reserve assets amounting to $3.1 billion.
Total assets amount to RM623.19 billion which includes gold reserves and foreign exchange together with other reserves including SDRs amounting to RM524.02 billion, Malaysian government paper RM12.58 billion, advance loans RM23.63 billion, land and buildings RM4.14 billion and other assets RM58.80 billion.
BNM added, capital and liabilities include paid-up capital of RM100 million, reserves of RM184.34 billion, currency in circulation of RM160.22 billion, federal government deposits of RM10 billion, other deposits of RM37.84 billion, BNM paper of RM26.91 billion, SDR allocations of RM29.95 and other liabilities of RM4.52 billion.