Use XRPL, Ducati Launches NFT Collection!


 "Wow congratulations, it seems that XRPL is gaining popularity."

Ducati, the famous Italian car manufacturer that plans to explore the Web3 ecosystem has successfully launched a non-fungible token (NFT) collection on the XRP Ledger or better known as XRPL.

Ducati, which also utilizes the power of XRPL technology for some of its projects, has signed an agreement with NFT PRO to produce NFT that can further expand its fans around the world.

Although the NFT collection is one of the most important things in the Ducati Web3 campaign, the team will also implement several events developed through the new digital aggregation including other engagements related to Web3.

However, the use of XRPL will be prioritized as it has an efficient blockchain protocol designed to be Carbon neutral, previously Ducati leveraged XRPL through online motorcycle sales on January 1, 2000.

Like to be informed that XRPL has seen rapid growth over the past few months after the developer's efforts have been intensified as a whole, plus Ducati accepting the protocol is one of the proofs that XRPL is growing.

There is no denying that most blockchain protocols such as Layer-1 and 2 are suitable for storing NFTs, but it should be noted that only a few meet the requirements of institutional brands, among them Polygon.

Despite that, Polygon and XRPL are very popular with various firms and developers and now the price of XRP jumped by 1.85% at $0.70 in the last 24 hours with a market cap of $37 billion.
