6 Things to Do in Forex Trading


  1. Don't trade with MLM Forex Brokers - most of these "so-called brokers" are hiding behind Investment Forex - remember before it's too late. Be a professional.
  2. Don't trade with an Unregulated Broker - minimize your risk of losing money if the broker closes or abuses you. At least there is a regulatory body to complain.
  3. Don't trade without Stop Loss - you don't know the future. Guard your risks by using STOP LOSS.
  4. Don't trade without the supervision of Money Management - Money Management is King in forex trading. MM can minimize your risk while helping you achieve your portfolio return.
  5. Don't trade with expectations - you hope to go down, and still, busy hope to go up. Hope only drowns your logical thinking. Trade with the system. You are not gambling.
  6. Don't trade forex without studying - Science is everything. Forex trading is a professional field. With sufficient knowledge, you will be able to achieve your dreams in forex trading.