Sweet Revenge, Former Meta Important Now Apple Executive


 'An Apple a day keeps Facebook away.'

Timothy Campos, the former chief technology officer of Meta Platform Inc. will take up the same position but with the company's competitor, Apple Inc.

Through a post on Campos' LinkedIn page, he said he was available for a 'new journey' without revealing details on the matter.

However, a source who did not want to be identified said that Campos will assume the position of head of Apple's Systems and Technology (IS&T) department.

It is understood that the position will be responsible for managing Apple's online service infrastructure including customer support services and the main website.

The department overseen by Apple's Chief Financial Officer, Luca Maestri is considered the 'heart center' of the company as it manages employee, supplier and customer relations.

For information, Campos is said to be replacing Mary Demby who will retire at the end of this year and the vice-chairman, David Smoley, is also planning to retire in the next 3 years.

So it is not surprising if Campos really will take up the position considering that Apple itself is undergoing a reorganization after losing several important executives of the company.

Meanwhile, Campos was the chief technology officer of Facebook (now Meta Platform Inc) from 2020 to 2016 and also held the same position at KLA Corp and Slack Technologies Inc.